Edible PlantsVegetables

What Are the Best Companion Plants for Eggplant?


Eggplant is a great vegetable to grow in your garden, but have you ever wondered about companion planting for your eggplant? So, what are the best companion plants for eggplant? 

Companion planting is a great way to improve the health and productivity of your garden. By planting compatible plants together, you can create a symbiotic relationship in which both plants benefit from each other.

This article will discuss the best companion plants for eggplant. It will cover vegetables and flowers to find the perfect companions for your eggplant plants. So, if you’re looking for ways to make your eggplant crop thrive, read on!

What Is Eggplant?

Eggplant, also known as aubergine, is a warm-season vegetable that grows as an annual or perennial plant. It is native to India but can now be found in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

Eggplants come in various sizes, shapes, and colors, ranging from glossy deep purples to light greens, with some varieties featuring white or yellow skin. The inside of the eggplant is spongy and can vary in texture from firm to soft.

These are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed cooked, raw, or pickled and used in everything from soups and stews to salads and stir-fries.

Cooked eggplant with pomegranate

Eggplants are an easy, nutritious and delicious addition to any meal.

They pair well with other vegetables, proteins, and herbs, making them a great addition to any meal. Whether you bake, roast, fry, or grill, eggplant is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Why Is Companion Planting Important for Eggplant?

Companion planting is a form of gardening that has been practiced for centuries. It involves growing two or more different types of plants close to each other so that they benefit from each other and grow better than if planted on their own.

Companion planting is an integral part of growing eggplant. Here are some benefits of growing companion plants with eggplant:

  • Pairing compatible plants together can help increase yields and reduce the risk of pests and disease
  • Eggplants prefer full sun, but with companion planting, they can also be grown in partial shade. 
  • Planting tall-growing crops near eggplants can provide additional shade and protection from the elements.
  • Planting companion plants alongside eggplants can help attract beneficial insects and improve air circulation, leading to better crop yield.

Best Companion Plants for Eggplant

Here are some of the best companion plants for eggplant.

Companion Plant #1: Nasturtium


Nasturtium is an excellent companion plant for eggplant. Its intense aroma is a deterrent to pests and predators that may harm your eggplants, protecting them from potential damage.

Additionally, nasturtiums help attract beneficial pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to the garden – leading to increased levels of pollination and a more robust eggplant yield.

Nasturtiums have also been known to improve the flavor of neighboring plants, such as eggplants. The phosphorus and potassium found in Nasturtiums can also be beneficial by improving the soil quality around the eggplant – helping it thrive during its growth cycle. 

These ornamental plants are beautiful and can add vibrant pops of color to your garden – creating a visually appealing display in addition to their functional benefits.

Companion Plant #2: Spinach


Spinach is a great companion plant to eggplant, providing many benefits for the eggplant’s growth and development. Spinach helps provide shade in hot climates and attracts beneficial insects that help control garden pests.

The nitrogen-rich leaves from spinach will also nourish nearby plants, including eggplant, helping them to grow bigger, stronger, and healthier.

Planting spinach alongside or underneath eggplant will also improve soil fertility, helping your eggplant to get all the nutrients it needs for successful growth and development.

Altogether, spinach provides excellent benefits to eggplant and vegetable gardens, making it an invaluable companion to any garden.

Companion Plant #3: Mint


Mint is a beneficial companion plant for eggplant. It helps reduce the number of flea beetles that feed on the leaves and fruits of eggplants.

It also significantly keeps away other pests like aphids and spider mites, damaging the plants.

Growing mint around eggplants also improves the flavor of the fruits, making them more flavorful.

If you want a good yield of tasty eggplants, growing mint as a companion plant is worth it. It’s easy to grow and requires minimal care. 

Companion Plant #4: Oregano


Oregano is a valuable companion plant for eggplant, as it helps to repel harmful insects such as whiteflies.

When planted near eggplant, oregano emits a strong aroma that helps mask the scent of the eggplant, making it less attractive to these pesky insects.

Oregano also attracts beneficial pollinators, such as bees, that help pollinate eggplant flowers. As an added benefit, this fragrant herb also helps reduce soil-borne fungi and bacterial diseases that can infect eggplant plants.

Companion planting with oregano can also be a great way to improve the health and yield of eggplant. 

Companion Plant #5: Marigold


Marigolds are great companions to eggplant plants because they attract beneficial insects like lacewings and ladybugs.

These predatory insects help reduce populations of pest insects, such as aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. This is important for preventing damage caused by these pests to the eggplant plants.

The toxicity of alpha-terthienyl will destroy any nematode eggs in the soil, reducing their population. Marigolds also act as a physical barrier to prevent adult nematodes from reaching eggplant roots.

This is because marigold root systems are dense and extensive, making it difficult for nematodes to invade the root zone of the eggplants.

In addition to pest and nematode control, marigolds add a splash of color to the garden. The bright yellow and orange flowers will bring life to any vegetable patch or flowerbed.

Marigolds are easy to care for and can be planted alongside eggplants in spring or early summer. For best results, it is important to deadhead the spent flowers and remove any weeds competing for nutrients.


There are two plants that you should not plant with eggplant – fennel and beans. Fennel emits harmful substances into the soil that can damage the roots of eggplants, leading to stunted growth and poor-quality fruit. Beans should also not be planted with eggplants as they are known to slow down the growth of eggplants. 

Final Words

When growing an eggplant, choosing companion plants that enhance its growth and yield is essential. Some of the best plants to grow alongside eggplant include nasturtium, spinach, mints, and oregano.

These plants share many of the exact growing requirements as eggplant, and they also help repel harmful insects that can damage them.

In addition, these companion plants can provide valuable nutrients that help eggplant thrive. You can ensure a healthy and bountiful harvest by choosing the proper companions for eggplant.

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