VegetablesEdible Plants

What Are the Best Companion Plants for Cucumbers?

Cucumber growing

Hello fellow gardeners! Do you ever feel like your cucumber plants look a little lonely in their designated vegetable garden?

Or you’re looking for ways to maximize the space in your garden with complementary plants. Either way, you’re in luck!

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the best companion plants for cucumbers and how they can help improve the health and yield of your cucumber plants. So grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and dive in!

What Is Cucumber?

Cucumbers are creeping vine plants belonging to the gourd family. They are known for their green, cylindrical fruit.

The fruit makes sandwiches and even as a refreshing summer drink in the form of cucumber water. These plants quickly grow and thrive in warm climates with plenty of sunlight and moisture.

You can grow cucumbers in various ways, including in a traditional garden bed, a container on a patio or balcony, or even vertically on a trellis or other support structure.

No matter how you choose to grow them, cucumbers are a delicious and nutritious addition to any garden.

Cucumbers Come in Varieties

Marketmore 76″ is an heirloom cucumber variety known for its crisp, crunchy texture and mild flavor. It is a prolific producer and can be grown in various climates. “Burpless” cucumbers are a long, thin variety with smooth, light skin and a mild, sweet flavor. They are easy to digest and are known for their lack of bitterness, making them an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy cucumbers without the usual aftertaste. 

Why Is Companion Planting Important for Cucumbers?

Cucumbers on a plant

Companion planting is the practice of growing different plants together close to each other to promote the plants’ health and productivity.

This is important for cucumber plants because they can benefit from the presence of certain companion plants in many ways:

Benefit #1: Increased Yield

Certain companion plants can help improve the health and yield of your cucumber plants by providing natural support and protection.

For example, planting cucumbers next to legumes like beans or peas can add nitrogen to the soil, which is essential for healthy plant growth.

Benefit #2: Pest Control

Certain plants have natural pest-repelling properties, which can help keep pests away from your cucumber plants.

For example, planting cucumbers next to herbs like marigolds or basil can help deter pests like aphids and beetles.

Benefit #3: Improved Flavor

Certain companion plants can enhance the flavor of your cucumber fruit.

For example, planting cucumbers next to herbs like dill or mint can add a tasty, refreshing twist to your cucumber dishes.

Benefit #4: Attractive Garden Design

Companion planting allows you to create a beautiful, diverse garden by mixing and matching different plants with complementary colors, textures, and aromas.

This can make your garden more visually appealing and inviting for both you and your plants.

10 Best Companion Plants for Cucumber

Here are ten plants you can grow with cucumber in your garden.

Plant #1: Nasturtiums


These colorful flowering plants are known for repelling pests such as aphids, which can be harmful to cucumber plants.

They also attract beneficial insects that can help to pollinate the cucumber flowers.

Plant #2: Radishes


Radishes are fast-growing vegetables. Plant them alongside cucumbers to help mark the rows. It naturally keeps track of the cucumber plants.

Radishes have a shallow root system that won’t compete with cucumber plants for moisture and nutrients.

Plant #3: Marigolds

These brightly colored flowers are known for repelling many common garden pests, including cucumber beetles.

The beautiful flowers will attract beneficial insects that can help to pollinate the cucumber flowers.

Plant #4: Dill


This fragrant herb is a great companion plant for cucumbers because it can attract beneficial insects that can help to pollinate the cucumber flowers.

Dill plants will further provide shade for the cucumber vines, which can help prevent sunburn on the fruit.

Plant #5: Lettuce


Lettuce has a shallow root system that won’t compete with the cucumber plants for moisture and nutrients.

Plant #6: Garlic


This aromatic herb is a great companion plant for cucumbers because it can repel many common garden pests, including aphids and cucumber beetles.

Moreover, garlic has a strong aroma that can mask the scent of cucumber plants, making it harder for pests to find them.

Plant #7: Basil

Basil in pot

This fragrant herb is a great companion plant for cucumbers because it can attract beneficial insects that can help to pollinate the cucumber flowers.

It also provides some shade for the cucumber vines, which can help to prevent sunburn on the fruit.

Plant #8: Borage


Borage has a strong aroma that can mask the scent of cucumber plants, making it harder for pests to find them.

Plant #9: Beans


Many legumes like beans have a deep root system that can help to aerate the soil and improve drainage.

Plant #10: Sunflowers


These tall, striking plants are great companion plants for cucumbers because they can provide shade for the cucumber vines, which can help to prevent sunburn on the fruit.

They also have a deep root system that can help to aerate the soil and improve drainage.

 Use Companion Plants for Crop Rotation

Form crop rotation by planting different companion plants in the same area each year. For example, you could plant pole beans as companion plants for your cucumbers one year and then plant marigolds and nasturtiums the following year.

Companion Plants You Should Avoid With Cucumbers

While many plants make great companions for cucumbers, some plants should be avoided.

Here are a few examples of plants to avoid alongside cucumbers:

  • Potatoes – These vegetables are susceptible to many pests and diseases that can also affect cucumber plants. Planting them together can spread these pests and diseases, harming both plants.
  • Tomatoes – These plants are closely related to cucumbers and can be affected by many of the same pests and diseases. Planting them together can spread these pests and diseases, harming both plants.
  • Cabbage – This plant is susceptible to pests and diseases that can also affect cucumber plants. Planting them together can spread these pests and diseases, harming both plants.
  • Walnuts – The roots of walnut trees produce a chemical called juglone that can be toxic to many plants, including cucumber plants. Planting cucumbers near a walnut tree can lead to stunted growth and reduced fruit production.

Avoid planting cucumber plants near plants prone to pests and diseases. Or with a deep root system that can compete with the cucumber plants for moisture and nutrients.


Overall, choosing the right companion plants for cucumbers can help improve the health and productivity of your cucumber plants.

The best companion plants for cucumbers are plants that support the cucumber vines to climb and plants that attract beneficial insects to the garden, such as marigolds and nasturtiums.

Planting herbs like dill and basil near cucumbers can also enhance the flavor of the cucumbers.

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